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Exosomes derived from platelet-rich plasma present a novel potential in alleviating knee osteoarthritis by promoting proliferation and inhibiting apoptosis of chondrocyte via Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway – Click Here

Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma & Platelet-Rich Fibrin with and without Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 on Repairing Full-Thickness Cartilage Defects in Knees of Rabbits – Click Here

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Klotho—a Common Link in Physiological and Rheumatoid Arthritis-Related Aging of Human CD4+ Lymphocytes – Click Here

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Leonhardt’s Launchpads Announces Filing of Patent for Bioelectric Stimulation Controlled Klotho Expression – Powerful Anti-aging and Regeneration Promoting Protein – Click Here

Electrical Stimulation of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Endothelial Cells Co-Cultured in a Conductive Scaffold for Potential Orthopaedic Applications – Click Here

Tumor necrosis factor and interferon-gamma down-regulate Klotho in mice with colitis – Click Here

Effects of microcurrent stimulation on Hyaline cartilage repair in immature male rats (Rattus norvegicus) – Click Here

SDF-1 Enhances Wound Healing of Critical-Sized Calvarial Defects beyond Self-Repair Capacity – Click Here

Effects of intensity of electroacupuncture on chronic pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial – Click Here

Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes: a new therapeutic approach to osteoarthritis? – Click Here

Therapeutic effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on temporomandibular joint injury induced by chronic sleep deprivation in rats – Click here

The effect of electrical fields on gene and protein expression in human osteoarthritic cartilage explants. – Click Here

Combination therapy of α -KLOTHO and TGFβR2 improves osteoarthritis
A study has shown that a combination of α-KLOTHO and TGF β receptor 2 (TGFβR2) recovers cartilage in rats with osteoarthritis and could be a new therapy for humans.
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Injured Achilles Tendons Treated with Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Transplantation and GDF-5. – Click Here

by M Inoue – ‎2015 – ‎Cited by 24 – ‎Related articles

Oct 21, 2018 – tendon repair in a rat model of Achilles tendon … stimulation strength 20 μA; stimulation time … existing electrical stimulation techniques.

Conclusions The marked increase in cell count and growth factor expression as well as increased tendon strength in the EA group suggest that EA may be a useful method for promoting tendon repair. 

Combined treatment with electrical stimulation and insulin-like growth …

by Z Qi – ‎2018 – ‎Cited by 3 – ‎Related articles

May 10, 2018 – Electrical stimulation (ES) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) are … on cardiacdevelopment[25], their function on bone regeneration remained unclear. ….. Brazilian journal of medical and biological research  


IGF-1 Controlled Release by Bioelectric Stimulation Provisional Patent ……

Apr 2, 2016 – Leonhardt Ventures, CerebraCell & BioLeonhardt File Provisional Patent Application For Electrical Stimulation Controlled Release of IGF-1.

A current affair: electrotherapy in wound healing – NCBI – NIH

Bioelectric Medicine Shown Effective For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Jul 5, 2016 – Bioelectric Medicine Shown Effective For Rheumatoid Arthritis. … Rheumatoid arthritisis a chronic inflammatory autoimmune condition. It is characterized by swollen joints, joint stiffness, fatigue, fever, and weight loss.

Nature’s Electric Potential: A Systematic Review of the Role of …

by SEB Tyler – ‎2017 – ‎Related articles

Sep 4, 2017 – Nature’s Electric Potential: A Systematic Review of the Role of Bioelectricity in Wound Healing and Regenerative Processes in Animals, Humans, and …… times per week exhibited significant wound area reduction (Yao et al., 2014), by reducing inflammatory cytokines and facilitating tissue regeneration.

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Future Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy: Nerve Stimulation – Rheumatoid …


To date, 24 RA patients have signed on to test the device, and the initial results are promising. The majority of patients experienced significant reductions in pain, swelling, joint tenderness and reduced levels of C-reactive protein, which increase with inflammation. “This shows that we’re targeting the biology [of inflammation] …

Bioelectronic Device Could Revolutionize Care for Inflammatory Disease

Jun 9, 2015 – If proved to be effective and safe could transform the care of patients suffering from such conditions as rhe


Case Study: Amniotic Fluid/Membrane Suspension for Osteoarthritis ……


Case Study: Amniotic Fluid/Membrane Suspension for Osteoarthritis. A 58 year old male patient … He injured his left knee playing football in high school and underwent a partial meniscectomy at that time. … He is a candidate for partial or total knee replacement, but he wanted to delay joint replacement as long as possible.


Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells and Their Application in Cell-Based Tissue …

by MB Eslaminejad – ‎2012 – ‎Cited by 5 – ‎Related articles

Dec 17, 2012 – Another source for stem cells would be amniotic fluid, which possesses several advantages as cellular material for cell-based treatment of tissue defects. Amniotic fluid can easily be collected through a safe procedure (amniocentesis) that is routinely performed for the prenatal diagnosis of genetic diseases, ..


The use of mesenchymal stem cells for cartilage repair and …

by A Goldberg – ‎2017 – ‎Cited by 14 – ‎Related articles

The use of mesenchymal stem cells for cartilage repair and regeneration: a systematic review. Andy Goldberg,; Katrina Mitchell,; Julian Soans,; Louise Kim and; Razi ZaidiEmail authorView ORCID ID profile. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research201712:39.

Cartilage repair by mesenchymal stem cells: Clinical trial update and …

by WY Lee – ‎2017 – ‎Cited by 4 – ‎Related articles

Numerous efforts have been spent to overcome the inherently poor healing ability of articular cartilage. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been in the limelight of cell-based therapies to promote cartilage repair.


Mesenchymal stem cells in cartilage regeneration. – NCBI

by V Savkovic – ‎2014 – ‎Cited by 24 – ‎Related articles

Curr Stem Cell Res Ther. 2014;9(6):469-88. Mesenchymal stem cells in cartilage regeneration. Savkovic V, Li H, Seon JK, Hacker M, Franz S, Simon JC(1). Author information: (1)Translation Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Leipzig, Germany. [email protected]. Articular cartilage provides  …


Mesenchymal stem cells for cartilage repair in osteoarthritis – NCBI – NIH

by PK Gupta – ‎2012 – ‎Cited by 145 – ‎Related articles

Jul 9, 2012 – In more advanced or severe cases of OA, knee replacement is the only viable therapeutic option [5]. It has been … The SDF1/CXCR pathway is a key regulator for BMSC migration, and, in the absence of SDF1 signal, migration of these cells to the bone tissue has been found to be impaired [29,30].

Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma & Platelet-Rich Fibrin with and without …

by S Bahmanpour – ‎2016 – ‎Cited by 1 – ‎Related articles

Keywords: Platelet-rich plasma, Platelet rich fibrin, Chemokine CXCL12, Cartilage, Knee. What’s Known. Implantation of a combination of collagen І scaffold and ultrapurified alginate gel containing stromal cell-derived factor-1 ( SDF1) improved the repairing process by conferring better support for the migration of cartilage …

Injectable Gel Could Help Knee Cartilage Heal — Pain News Network

May 4, 2015 – The precursor cells migrated toward the SDF1 infused gel and filled in the injury site. Subsequent application of a growth factor caused the cells to mature into normal cartilage that repairedthe injury. The new tissue is not as strong as normal cartilage, but researchers think it could be strengthened through …

Injectable Bioactive Gel Heals Cartilage and Stops Osteoarthritis | MD ……/injectable-bioactive-gel-heals-cartilage-and-stops-osteoarthritis


Apr 28, 2015 – With the potential for knee injuries and surgeries to results in arthritis, researchers are in the midst of developing a way to manipulate the body’s cartilage to regenerate itself. … When the hydrogel with SDF1 was injected into the holes found in the model, the precursor cells moved towards the injured spot.

The Function Role of SDF-1/CXCR4 Signaling in Osteoarthritis …

The Function Role of SDF-1/CXCR4 Signaling in Osteoarthritis. Xiaochun Wei, Pengcui Li, Congming Zhang, Chongwei Chenand Lei Wei. 1Department of Orthopaedics, The Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Shanxi Key Lab of Bone and Soft Tissue Injury Repair, Taiyuan, China. 2Department of Orthopaedics, …

Gel To Treat Arthritis Could Trick The Body Into Repairing Itself ……/gel-osteoarthritis-university-of-iowa_n_7491438.html


Jun 2, 2015 – More than 70000 knee replacements are carried out in England and Wales each year, but all that could change thanks to a new treatment for arthritis. … But in laboratory studies, the Iowa team injected a gel made with SDF1 (a signalling compound naturally found in the blood) into holes in cartilage and ..

[PDF]Myostatin stimulates early tendon healing and responds to mechanical …


Introduction. Myostatin, also known as GDF-8, is a catabolic regulator of skeletal muscle growth, via inhibition of myoblast proliferation. Myostatin binds to activin receptor 2b and can be inhibited by its antagonist follistatin. In healing tendons, follistatin expression is decreased by loading.1. Myostatin has recently been ..


Bone morphogenetic protein 9 (BMP9) induces effective bone …

by S Lu – ‎2016 – ‎Cited by 9 – ‎Related articles

Sep 15, 2016 – We have demonstrated that BMP9 (also known as growth differentiation factor 2, or GDF2) is one of the most potent BMPs among the 14 types of BMPs in … Thus, it is conceivable that using BMP9-expressing progenitor cells may be able to promote bone regeneration in large bony defects and/or fracture …

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